Building Better: Human Health and Well-being

Human Health and Well-being is a topic that must be addressed by builders when constructing new homes.
Building Better Human Health and Well-being

If you’re in the market for a new home, you’re probably focused on finding the perfect location, the right floor plan, and the best schools in the area.

We all want our homes to be safe, comfortable, and healthy places for our families. But many of us don’t realize how important indoor air quality is for human health and well-being.

Poor air quality can contribute to various health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, asthma, and allergies.

Fortunately, builders and green building standards can help reduce these airborne contaminants. This post will explore the following:

  • the benefits of high-performance homes
  • green building standards that focus on improving air quality
  • whole-home solutions for creating a healthier living space.

We’ll also examine why taking proactive steps to protect your family from poor indoor air quality in your home is essential and how you can do that.

The importance of good indoor air quality in new homes

In today’s world, we are increasingly aware of the importance of good indoor air quality. We know that the air we breathe directly impacts our health and that poor air quality can lead to various problems.

Clean Indoor Air Benefits Everyone –

“The quality of the air we breathe indoors impacts our ability to fully participate in society and live our healthiest lives. For over two years, our experience with the COVID-19 has emphasized the importance of clean indoor air as a vital tool for response and recovery — transmission can be reduced by 80% with improved indoor ventilation and air filtration.”

Indoor Air Quality – National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

“Indoor air quality is a global issue. Both short- and long-term exposure to indoor air pollution can cause a range of health issues, including respiratory diseases, heart disease, cognitive deficits, and cancer. As one prominent example, the World Health Organization estimates 3.8 million people worldwide die every year from illnesses attributable to harmful indoor air from dirty cookstoves and fuel.”

The importance of clean indoor air cannot be overstated – especially in new homes. Builders can significantly reduce the spread of harmful airborne contaminants by ensuring that new homes have adequate ventilation and air filtration.

Builders are responsible for protecting their buyers by constructing homes that promote good indoor air quality. Improving ventilation and filtration can create a healthier and more energy-efficient environment.

Energy-efficient performance home builders

A high-performance home is built with energy efficiency in mind from the ground up. 

That means starting with a good building envelope—an airtight and well-insulated structure—and adding correctly sized and installed heating and cooling systems. Because high-performance homes are airtight, they also require mechanical ventilation. The result is a comfortable, healthful, durable, and energy-efficient home.

The Benefits of Building a High-Performance Home

  1. Energy efficiency. This means that you’ll save money on your energy bills each month.
  2. Comfort and health. They are better insulated and have less dust and allergens circulating throughout the home. 
  3. Quality. This is because they are built with higher-quality materials and construction techniques. 

Why More Homeowners Are Choosing High-Performance Homes

As you can see, there are many reasons why homeowners choose high-performance homes over traditional homes. In addition to these homes’ increased comfort, health, and durability, high-performance homes also represent a wise investment. 

Building with human health as a success metric

Building with human health as a success metric is essential. It helps ensure that all aspects of the building and its environment are designed and constructed to provide maximum health benefits to those who use and live in the building.

This includes providing ample natural light, fresh air, clean water, adequate heat and humidity control, proper ventilation systems, no- or low-toxicity materials used for construction and interior finishes, and access to outdoor spaces with plenty of green space for physical activity.

In terms of energy efficiency and sustainability, green building standards can help reduce environmental impacts while also benefiting human health by reducing exposure to indoor pollutants. These standards focus on improving air quality by reducing emissions from building materials and furnishing products.

They also emphasize proper ventilation design and the use of high-efficiency HVAC systems, as well as the use of renewable energy sources. Green buildings often use water conservation strategies such as low-flow fixtures and greywater reuse systems, which can help reduce water consumption while promoting sanitation practices that protect public health.

By utilizing green building standards which focus on energy efficiency and improved indoor air quality, as well as accessible features which make life easier for those with physical limitations – builders can create structures that prioritize both our planet’s resources and people’s well-being.

Whole-home solutions for better health and well-being

With so much of our lives taking place at home these days, one trend that home builders can’t afford to ignore is creating whole-home solutions that promote better health and well-being.

Whether improving indoor air quality, providing natural lighting, or reducing stress levels with an efficient layout, there are countless ways to create a healthier living space.

Whole-Home Air Purification Systems

One of the best ways to improve the air quality in your home is to install a whole-home air purifier. These systems are designed to remove airborne contaminants like dust, pollen, and pet dander from the air in your home. Not only will this create a healthier environment for your family, but it can also help reduce allergy symptoms and asthma attacks. 

Water Filtration Systems

Another way to create a healthier home is to install a water filtration system. This is especially important if you get water from a well or live in an area with hard water. Water filtration systems remove impurities like lead, chlorine, and bacteria from your water, making drinking safer and healthier for you and your family. 

Improved Indoor Air Quality

By improving the air quality in your home, you can also improve your family’s overall health and well-being. Poor air quality has been linked to headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and other health problems. By removing contaminants from the air in your home, you can create a healthier environment for your family and help reduce the risk of these problems.

Lighting solutions for a healthier home

Lighting solutions are becoming increasingly important as people recognize the impacts of lighting on our physical and mental well-being.

Natural light is the best option for all living spaces, providing a warm and inviting atmosphere. However, LED lighting offers an environmentally-friendly solution for areas with little natural light that will still ensure a healthy environment.

LED lighting provides many benefits over other forms of lighting, including longer life expectancy and enhanced color rendition. Because LED lights run at a lower temperature than fluorescent or incandescent lights, they are much less likely to create uncomfortable hot spots in the room. Additionally, LED lights emit less heat than traditional bulbs, which can help reduce energy costs by minimizing air conditioning usage during the warmer months.

Comfy-Light takes this idea further with its unique combination of integrated heating/cooling vents.

By using Comfy-Light’s cutting-edge airflow technology, homeowners can reduce their energy bills even further while enjoying improved comfort levels throughout their homes. In addition to reducing heating & cooling costs, this system helps to eliminate air leakage by improving maintenance of the desired temperature throughout the house.

Overall, investing in modern lighting systems for your home can be beneficial for energy efficiency and make your living space healthier and more comfortable all year round.

Table of Contents

Smoke, pollen, dander, hair, and more

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