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Cold Weather Season: The Benefits of a Whole-Home Humidifier

Reducing the unwanted effects of dry fall and winter air in your home is one of the many benefits of a whole-home humidifier.

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benefits of a whole-home humidifier

It’s time for autumn leaves, pumpkin carving, holiday decorations, snowball fights and … cold, dry weather. Are you looking forward to dry skin, cracked lips and nosebleeds? Of course not! Now that the cold weather months are upon us, it’s a good idea to invest in a whole-home humidifier.

What Is a Whole-Home Humidifier?

A whole-home humidifier restores your home’s indoor air moisture levels when the weather is cold and dry. This system installs directly into a home’s central air system. A humidifier is equipped with a humidistat to actively monitor the air. If relative humidity falls below 40%, the humidistat will automatically signal the humidifier. When the relative humidity has returned to the ideal 40- 60% range, the humidifier will turn off.

There are actually two different types of whole-home humidification systems: steam and evaporative. Each technology uses a different approach to increase the air’s moisture. Regardless of the system you choose, the benefits of a whole-home humidifier are plentiful.

More: Need help choosing a whole-home humidifier? Let’s take a look at the key differences between steam and evaporative technology. Read more →

Whole-Home Humidifier vs. Portable Humidifier Benefits

Why are whole-home humidifiers a better choice than portable humidifiers? First and foremost, portable humidifiers cannot treat more than one room or area of your home at a time. In fact, it would take quite a while to humidify your entire home with a portable humidifier. For this reason alone, they simply aren’t as effective as whole-home humidifiers. 

Furthermore, they require manual operation whereas whole-home humidifiers automatically regulate humidity. Finally, portable humidifiers are louder than whole-home humidifiers and may become distracting over time.

All in all, unless you are humidifying a studio apartment or a single room, whole-home humidity control solutions will go a lot further for your home and health.

Is It Good to Use a Humidifier in the Winter?

The answer to this question actually depends on the answer to another question. Does the air in your home fall below the ideal 40–60% humidity range? If the answer is yes, then you should consider whole-home humidification!

Why is above 40% the start of the ideal humidity range? When relative humidity falls below 40%, the risk of illness and the need for home repairs increases significantly. Low relative humidity increases symptoms for those with allergies, asthma and respiratory diseases. It increases susceptibility to viruses and bacteria due to dry mucous membranes. And, it shrinks wood furniture and flooring, wallpaper, electronics, books and musical instruments. A whole-home humidifier swiftly eliminates all of these issues.

What Is the Benefit of a Whole House Humidifier? 

Is a whole-home humidifier the perfect solution for your space? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.


  • Automatic humidity regulation.
  • Humidifies your entire home with ease, achieving and maintaining the ideal 40–60% humidity range.
  • Reduces symptoms for those with allergies, asthma or respiratory conditions.
  • Reduces the risk of viral and bacterial illnesses.
  • Decreases the need for costly home repairs due to warping and dry air.
  • Improves indoor air quality.
  • Installs directly into your existing HVAC system.


  • Improper use can lead to high relative humidity levels.
  • Installing a whole-home humidifier can be expensive.
  • Poor system maintenance and homeowner awareness can lead to mold and mildew.

If it’s not clear … besides the cost of installing a whole-home humidifier, the other two cons are easily solved with homeowner awareness! Proper system maintenance and operation is key to any device’s success.

Improve IAQ With Whole-Home Humidity Control

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons! The benefits of a whole-home humidifier are worth the learning curve. They’re efficient, effective and require little effort on the part of homeowners. 

Whether you choose steam humidification or evaporative humidification, it’s most important to address the dry air in your home. The good news? Autumn and winter weather are simply no match for whole-home humidification. Improve your indoor space’s air quality now—just in time for the holidays!

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