Using essential oils for aromatherapy purposes or as air fresheners via diffusers can have unintended and undesirable effects on your home's indoor air quality.
Whole-home air purifiers improve indoor air quality and protect the health of your family. But which whole-home air purifier will give you the best bang for your buck?
Interested in why healthy housing matters or how to create a healthier home? Read our tips for a healthy living space and learn more about National Healthy Homes Month.
2020 proved what experts have known–bad indoor air quality harm us when it comes to infectious diseases. Learn why this has air quality experts and scientists calling for governments to step in, and what the IAQ solutions are.
Air filters need to be replaced more often than you might think. Dirty air filters can cause a world of trouble. Here's how often you should change your home air filter.
Learn the key differences between countertop and central indoor air quality monitors. Determine which is the right solution for your home, and why monitoring indoor air quality is important.
Indoor air quality directly impacts asthma and allergy symptoms, case severity and health. Find out how to improve IAQ this Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month.