How Do Whole-Home Dehumidifiers Work?
Humidity is the enemy of your home. It causes a variety of issues including wall cracks and furniture rot. It’s no wonder that dehumidifiers have become such a popular device for keeping houses at their best!
A typical model will use an internal fan to pull in the air. Once inside, the air touches the machine’s coils, which collect the moisture from the air and turn it into water. Next, the water is retained in a reservoir and the drier air is returned to the room. Many dehumidifiers can sense the level of humidity via an integrated humidistat. The humidistat can be set to maintain a specific level of humidity.
Indoor Humidity Level: Why Is the 40-60% Range Ideal? This article will explain why the low end of this spectrum is ideal for many activities and how you can achieve it in your own home or office! You can learn more here →
What Are the Benefits of Whole-Home Dehumidifiers?
If you suffer from allergies, dehumidifiers can help. For example, mold growth in humid homes can trigger allergies in the same way that pollen does. And, humid environments are thriving conditions for dust mites. These microscopic creatures make life particularly unpleasant for those with asthma and other respiratory illnesses. An effective dehumidifier drops the moisture levels in your home, making it a less welcoming location for such allergy and asthma triggers.
In addition to protecting your health and home, dehumidifiers also protect your personal belongings. This includes books, vinyl albums, delicate clothing, musical instruments, sensitive electronics, flatware and pictures. All of these items may experience damage when exposed to overly humid conditions. Regulating your home’s humidity levels helps you keep your valuables and collectors’ items in great shape.