Can Stale Indoor Air Make You Sick?

Learn about the effects of stale indoor air and how it can impact your health. Mechanical ventilation is the ideal solution to bring fresh air in and move stale air out.
stale indoor air

Too much time indoors can be bad for your health.

Considering the average amount of time spent inside, it has significant effects. The official terms for illness caused by indoor spaces are sick building syndrome (SBS) and building-related illness (BRI). SBS means the root cause is unknown but it’s clear that the issue stems from time spent in the space. BRI is when the origin(s) of the illness are identifiable in the building.

Stale indoor air also causes a plethora of problems in homes.

All indoor space related health issues are often due to poor airflow and the specific air particles stuck circulating inside. So, what exactly is stale indoor air?

What Is Stale Indoor Air?

Stale indoor air is simply air that is either poorly circulated or not circulated in a space. Minimal, poor, or lack of air circulation means living and working in areas and consistently breathing old air.

Stale air occurs when indoor spaces lack proper ventilation, leading to:

  • Decreased oxygen levels
  • Increased carbon dioxide concentration
  • Accumulation of indoor pollutants
  • Higher humidity levels
  • Build-up of odors and airborne particles

The problem with stale or old air is that it causes occupants to be further exposed to harmful particles, air toxins, and hazardous chemicals in circulation.

Air that doesn’t circulate well allows said toxins to sit in a room or space for extended periods and increases exposure.

While every space has its share of toxins that needs to be filtered or ventilated, buildup occurs if the air isn’t circulating regularly.

Fresh cleaner air is drastically important for everyone’s health and well-being and the quality of indoor spaces.

Recommended Article: Why Does Your Home Need Fresh Air? A healthy, happy home is one that has enough fresh air. Mechanical ventilation in your home is an energy-efficient option to keep you healthy and comfortable. Read the full article →

Signs of Stale Air in Your Home

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign that the air in your home is stale:

Feeling Stuffy or Congested

One of the most common symptoms of stale air is feeling congested or experiencing nasal stuffiness. This can be particularly noticeable when spending extended periods of time indoors.

  • Constantly feeling like you have a stuffy nose
  • Frequent sneezing or coughing

Lingering Odors

If you notice that certain odors seem to linger in your home, even after cleaning, it could be a sign of poor air circulation. Stale air can trap odors and make them more noticeable.

  • Lingering cooking smells
  • Musty or stale odors

Physical Symptoms

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dry or irritated eyes
  • Respiratory issues
  • Allergic reactions

Environmental Indicators

  • Stuffy or heavy feeling in rooms
  • Condensation on windows
  • Lingering odors
  • Visible dust accumulation
  • Mold growth

Health Risks of Stagnant Air

According to the EPA, poor indoor air quality can lead to both short-term and long-term health issues. Exposure to stale air may:

  • Trigger asthma symptoms
  • Worsen allergies
  • Cause respiratory infections
  • Lead to sick building syndrome
  • Affect cognitive performance

How Does Air Become Unhealthy?

Dust and mold are common contaminating culprits. Also, cleaning supplies, cooking and cooking methods, and hot showers are additional sources of pollutants.

Sadly, most of our daily activities contribute to polluted air. And this is in addition to other invisible indoor sources that increase pollution. These are home location, outdoor pollutants, or the building materials used.

This combination of factors means ensuring good air circulation is crucial. Gases, excess humidity, bacteria, and other pollutants never have an opportunity to leave a poorly circulated space. Then, occupants are left to inhale the polluted air far longer than they should. 

Poor circulation is common in buildings as windows and doors aren’t open often enough to let proper amounts of fresh air in. It is perhaps more common in extreme temperatures or humid climates because it’s too hot or cold to leave windows open on a regular basis. This can cause a buildup of pollutants and humidity, which makes it easier for bacteria and mold to grow.

Poor circulation is also common in homes, specifically newer builds. New construction has prioritized energy efficiency and uses better construction practices. The result, however, is less natural ventilation. This unintended consequence means reduced airflow. New construction limits airflow through gaps and cracks in home foundations present in older builds.

Home Ventilation and Fresh Air Circulation: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the information about ventilation, then our experts are here for you! They have years of experience answering questions on home air flow and fresh air circulation. Read the full article →

Stale Indoor Air Symptoms

Stale Indoor Air Symptoms | IAQ.Works

Stale air can be an unpleasant smell or make a room feel stuffy. At low levels, it’s uncomfortable but at higher concentrations, stale air becomes unhealthy for those sensitive to its effects. Breathing in high doses of this type has been linked with skin irritation, headaches, and fatigue.

People that work or live in buildings and homes with poor air circulation can notice the effects in a few ways. Those suffering from excess humidity might be prone to fatigue and worsening allergies.

Those suffering from low humidity levels due to poor circulation likely notice dry skin and eyes. In warm spaces, nausea, headaches, and nasal irritation are common. 

Respiratory system irritation due to poor circulation often causes coughing and congestion. It can also worsen said symptoms.

Common Symptoms of a Stuffy Room

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headaches
  • Nasal congestion
  • Watery or itchy eyes
  • Coughing or sneezing

Not all who work or live in poorly circulated spaces experience these symptoms equally. SBS, BRI, and the aforementioned problems usually affect those with allergies and asthma more severely. However, in situations where mold or bacteria growth is severe and circulation is limited, the outcome can be dangerous for anyone.

How to Fix Stale Air in Your House

There are a variety of ways to improve the air quality in our indoor spaces. For improving poor air circulation, the answer is always ventilation.

An easy ventilation method is to open windows and/or doors whenever possible to allow fresh air in. Due to weather, temperatures, safety, and other reasons, this is not always a viable option. 

The second ventilation solution is mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation ensures proper air circulation and the entire home has fresh air.

A mechanical ventilation system is installed directly to the existing HVAC system, making it a low-maintenance solution.

Immediate Solutions

  1. Open windows daily for cross-ventilation
  2. Use ceiling fans to circulate air
  3. Install bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans
  4. Place portable fans strategically
  5. Consider air purifiers with HEPA filters

Long-term Improvements

  1. Install a whole-house ventilation system
  2. Regular HVAC maintenance
  3. Add air exchange systems
  4. Update weatherstripping and seals
  5. Monitor humidity levels

Prevention Tips for Maintaining Fresh Air

  • Schedule regular ventilation periods
  • Keep air filters clean
  • Control humidity levels (30-50%)
  • Remove sources of pollutants
  • Use natural cleaning products
  • Add indoor plants for natural air filtering
3 Types of Home Ventilation Systems: There are exhaust-only, supply-only and balanced home ventilation systems. When it comes to mechanical ventilation, which is best? And why is mechanical ventilation superior to natural and spot ventilation? We’ve got the answers here →

Upgrading to a whole-home ventilation system reduces and keeps toxins out of the air by providing consistent airflow. There are two types of mechanical ventilation systems: ERVs and HRVs. Energy recovery ventilation and heat recovery ventilation systems use slightly different methods, but both actively pull fresh outdoor air in and remove stale indoor air. 

Make Fresh Air a Priority

 Improve indoor air quality in all rooms

The bottom line is: breathing in stale and polluted air is bad for your health. Poor circulation means harmful particles and toxins can accumulate in your spaces. Cleaning helps remove dust and pollutants, but proper circulation is the ideal long-term solution for all of your spaces. A whole-home ventilation system is the best choice to get rid of stale air and provide a healthier cleaner breathing space for all occupants.

Fresh Air Ventilation System for Your Home: What is the best whole-home mechanical ventilation system? It’s not about which one you should buy, but instead it all depends on your needs. Best whole-home ventilation system →

FAQ About Stale Air

Can stale air make you sick?

Yes, prolonged exposure to stale air can cause various health issues, including respiratory problems, headaches, and fatigue.

How long does it take for air to become stale?

Air can become stale within 2-3 hours in an unventilated room, especially with occupants present.

What’s the difference between stale and stuffy air?

While similar, stuffy air typically refers to the immediate sensation of poor ventilation, while stale air indicates a longer-term air quality issue.

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