Let us do the work

Find A Qualified Local Professional

Finding a qualified and reputable indoor air professional is not an easy task. Let us make it easier for you by compiling a list of local professionals who are available to do the work at your convenience.

The process that most homeowners go through in order to find someone trustworthy, experienced and knowledgeable about indoor air quality (IAQ) can be difficult. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. We’re here to help remove pressure so that you don’t have to worry about finding somebody on top of everything else!

Our Process

We start by getting recommendations from local sales representatives and distributors. We’ll review the contractor’s website for a list of services and products they use.

Then, we’ll look at their reviews to make sure that all previous work has been completed satisfactorily.

After this preliminary research is done, we schedule an interview call or Zoom with them (depending on availability) to confirm policies and procedures and insurance coverage before moving forward.

We’ll give them your contact information after confirmation.

Why Our Process Is Important

Air quality has been a hot-button topic with the recent pandemic. While many people may have opinions on what product or service they believe is best for their air, it’s important to keep in mind that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions.

Everyone’s needs will be different based on factors such as the number of occupants living at one residence, pet ownership status and allergies. Even how much time you spend outdoors can affect your decision. That’s why we go to such great lengths to ensure proper diagnosis and inspections are being done before offering solutions.

Let's talk

We’ll be able to ask you some questions about your home and your concerns, and then we’ll be able to give you some specific recommendations about how to improve the air quality.

However, every home is different, so it’s important to get tailored advice. We’re always happy to chat with people about their air quality concerns, so don’t hesitate to schedule a call!

What kind of space are we working with?
What are your primary concerns with your indoor air?
Are there any health concerns or allergies that need to be addressed?
Contact Information